1. 搜索技巧
Google scholar本质上还是一个搜索引擎,所以可以将搜索引擎常用的关键词、技巧加以应用
- site: 搜索指定的网站
如"kernel method" site:nips.cc
包含kernel method
全部论文 - source: 搜索指定来源,与site类似,有时site范围太广,使用source更精确。 如
"kernel method" source:"Advances in Neural Information Processing"
包含kernel method
全部论文 - filetype:搜索制定的文件类型
如"kernel method" filetype:pdf
,搜索包含kernel method
且有pdf的论文 - 双引号完全匹配
如"kernel method"
而不是kernel method
,搜索包含kernel method
的论文 - intile:限定标题
如intitle:"kernel method"
- intext: 限定内容 如
intext:("kernel method" -"semi-supervised learning")
,搜索内容中包含kernel mehtod
且不包含semi-supervised learning
的论文 - author: 限定作者
如author:"Jian Li" AND intitle:"Multi-class"
AND & + ,
空格都表示“与”关系OR |
表示“或”关系NOT -
表示“非”关系- 使用左侧选择时间限制及排序条件
- 对于某网址对应多个期刊的情况,使用
有很多期刊,而其对应来源为IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2. 举例说明
中包含random feature
或kernel selection
("random feature" OR "kernel selection") AND (site:nips.cc OR site:icml.cc OR source:"IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" OR site:jmlr.org OR site:ijcai.org OR site:aaai.org)
3. 机器学习领域顶会网址(site)
刊物缩写 | 网址site |
nips | nips.cc |
icml | icml.cc |
jmlr | jmlr.org |
ijcai | ijcai.org |
aaai | aaai.org |
uai | uai.org |
ML汇刊 | proceedings.mlr.press |
Springer下刊物 | link.springer.com |
IEEE下刊物 | ieeexplore.ieee.org |
4. 机器学习领域顶会来源(source)
刊物缩写 | 刊物source |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
TPAMI | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
JMLR | Journal of Machine Learning Research |
TNNLS | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems |
Cybernetics | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
NIPS | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems |
ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning |
IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
AAAI | AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
COLT | Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory |
UAI | Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence |
5. 总结